Monday, April 20, 2009

Friday Night Clubbing in Tokyo

This past Friday night, we wanted to go out and see the Yokohama night-life. Earlier, we had planned to go clubbing in Tokyo, but people were tired and etc., so we settled on bar hopping instead at a closer location. Since the trains stop at midnight, we left early (8:30pm or so) so that we could make it back before 12.
After drinking a few drinks, we went to Yokohama. The myriad shops and numerous amount of bright colored signs were spectacular. There were bars and izakaya's (the all-you-can-drink dinner places) everywhere. There was even a three story bowling alley! Since people were cheap, we chose an Irish pub. In the pub, I saw other Americans, so I had to talk to them. Apparently there is an army base close-by, and these meat-heads were on leave for the weekend. It was nice of them to buy me a beer, but then it was my responsibility to keep one of the creepers off of a girl in our group. I handled it with no problem.
At about 11 pm, I'm still wired and pretty drunk, but most people want to go home. One of Japanese buddies, Mariko, said that she wanted to go clubbing in Shibuya, a district in Tokyo. Two other girls and I said that we also wanted to go. So, at 11:30, after 3 hours of consecutive drinking, we're on our way to Tokyo.
here are some pictures from Yokohama (they didnt come out that great):

It takes about 45 minutes to make it to the club we wanted to go to. We chose to go to a smaller club with free entrance because, after midnight, it's very expensive to enter other venues. Before going in, I had to have a drunken snack at the "Freshness Burger" across the street.
The club was pretty awesome. It was small, but provided a large enough dance floor and a full size bar. It is free to enter, but the catch was that you have to have a drink in your hands at all times. Whatever; I'd rather pay for a drink than just to enter the door. The music in the club was interesting; they mostly played ghetto rap (the kind of rap where 3 big black guys yell at the mic). Then, all of the sudden, the DJ decides to play "Celebration," and the club's patrons definitely seemed to enjoy it. Other than during "celebration," the dancing was pretty much the same as in The States.
At about 3:30 am, we get tired, but, THE TRAINS DON'T START AGAIN UNTIL 5 AM! So, we decided to go to a restaurant for a drink and some food to just wait for the trains. Normally, people would sleep in a capsule hotel or at an internet cafe. The 3 girls were not to ecstatic about that idea. I plan on sleeping in a capsule or at an internet cafe at another time, and I'll make sure to write about that experience. At the restaurant, they had a specialty item: raw horse meat!. Of course, I had to order it. It was absolutely delicious and surprisingly tender. Here are some pictures of my horse:

At 5 am, along with hundreds of drunk / hungover people, we walked to the trains. It was light outside. On the train, everyone would sit down and pass out instantly. I didn't get into bed until 7 am.
Overall, I had a great night. However, I would have rather been more prepared and started my night later. Next time...

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